Why Invest In Exterior Cameras?
For The Same Reason We Build Fences.
To Keep What’s Inside Safe And Prevent Ehat’s Outside From Coming In.
You’ve got your security system armed. Everyone is sound asleep when you hear a loud noise outside that wakes you up. Did you imagine it? You know you’re protected inside, but what just happened outside?
By having an exterior camera system set up to monitor your property, you can be alerted before any threat can come inside. That sounds pretty dramatic but think about it. Wouldn’t you like to know before someone tries to get in your house or breaks into your truck?
Security cameras are recognized as an excellent deterrent to criminals. Exterior cameras are a great addition to your existing home security system, primarily because they’re a psychological deterrence. A bad guy sees the camera and may skip your home and move on to an easier target.
Research backs this up. A study of incarcerated burglars by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology* showed that indicators of increased security, such as outdoor surveillance cameras, were considered by most burglars when selecting a target
With a few well-placed exterior security cameras, you’ll know what’s going on. Next time you hear a noise outside just open up the ADT app and check your cameras. The live 1080p HD video feed and infrared night vision make it easy to see.